Hog (Pig) Grunter Specialty Caller by Primos


Reproduces the grunting sound of boars and sows

Flexible hose for variable tones

Extra loud for long range or softer when they’re close

Appeals to a pig’s “mob” instinct


Pig grunts are made by both boars and sows. The grunts of a wild pig sound very much like those of a domestic pig. Because of the wild pig’s strong mob instinct and its curious nature, they will often investigate the sounds of other pigs.

Pig Grunts: Cup both hands over the open end of the grunt hose to lower the tone of your grunts. Blow a soft short half to one second series of grunts. Blow a series of grunts lasting one to two minutes. Repeat every 10-15 minutes.

Hunting Tip: Wild pigs have poor eyesight but their hearing is good and their sense of smell is excellent.

Made in the USA

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